Organic Matter & Minerals in the Moor:
humic acids
fatty acids
humus substances
amino acids
volatile oils
nitrogen compounds
organic sulphates
iron salts
phosphoric acid
salicylic acid
bio-active matter
These herbs, plants and flowers (botanical names given) are found in the area of the Tiefenmoor:
Achillea millfolium
Agrostis stolonifera
Agrostis tenuis
Alisma plantago-aquatica
Allium angulosum
Allium carinatum
Allium suaveolens
Anthoxanthum adoratum
Aguilegia atrata
Aguilegia vulgaris
Carex flava
Carex hostania
Carex panicea
Centaurea jacea
Cladium mariscus
Dactylorhiza incarnata
Dactylorhiza maculata
Dactylorhiza majalis schmalb.
Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. maja
Danthonia decumbens
Drosera intermedia
Drosera rotundifolia
Epipactis palustris
Equisetum palustre
Euphrasia rostkoviana
Galium boreale
Galium palustre
Galium verum
Gentiana pneumonanthe
Gentiana verna
Gentianella germanica
Gladiolus palustris
Gymnadenia conopsea
Gymnadenia odoratissima
Herminiuin monorchis
lnula salicina
lris pseudacorus
lris sibirica
Juncus articulatus
Juncus subnodulosus
Laserpitium prutenicum
Lemna minor
Linum cartharticum
Liparis loeselii
Listera ovata
Menyanthes trifoliota
Molinea caerulea
Molinea arundinacea
Nuphar lutea
Nymphaea olba
Ophrys apifera
Orchis mascula
Orchis militaris
Orchis mario
Orchis ustulata
Pedicularis palustris
Peucedanum cervaria
Peucedanum palustre
Phragmites australis
Pinguicula vulgaris
Platanthera bifolia
Potamogeton coloratus
Potentilla erectra
Primula farinosa
Ranunculus flammula
Rhinanthus glacialis
Rhynchospora alba
Rhynchospora fusca
Sanguisorba officinalis
Serratula tinctoria
Silaum silaus
Sparganium neglectum
Succisa pratensis
Thymus pulegidoides
Trollius europaeus
Typha angustifolia
Typhc latifolia
Typha minima
Typha shuttleworthii
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria
Research conducted throughout Europe over the past 60 years has revealed the following therapeutic properties of moor
Bio-Available: Because many of the organic substances present within the moor are in a colloidal (suspension) form they are highly bio-available (easily absorbed by the body). The inorganic substances (iron, manganese, copper and zinc being particularly valuable to the body) are in bivalent form and are therefore small enough to be easily absorbed by the system.
Thermal Transmission: Thermal properties enable the substance to retain and transmit heat (or cold) over an extended period. This can have a beneficial effect on the skin and underlying tissues and organs.
Antiseptic: The moor contains lignin and bitumen, both of which contain high proportions of phenol substances. These act as natural antiseptics.
Detoxifying: The high proportion of humic acid and other humus substances enables the moor to both draw and absorb toxic substances trapped in the tissues. Detoxification is now widely recognized as an important component of health care maintenance and anti-aging.
Homonal Support: Moor contains several substances that are similar to hormones and these help to stimulate and regenerate the cellular functioning of the body.
Anti-Inflammatory: Moor has consistently been found to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on irritated or inflamed tissues.
Ion-Exchanging: The presence of humic acids also causes an exchange reaction in which harmful positive ions in the tissues are replaced by revitalizing negative ions present within the moor.
Bio-Energy Potency: Kirlian photography reveals the bio-energy or ‘vital force’ present within natural therapeutic substances. The Tiefenmoor has been found to exhibit very high levels of bio-energy. Many nature-cure scientists claim that the bio-energy is absorbed into the tissues, resulting in regeneration on a cellular level.
Kirlian photograph of a sample of Tiefenmoor. This sample exhibits an exceptionally high degree of bio-energy potency.
IMAGINE a substance, many thousands of years in the making, with the potential to revitalize, purify and rebalance.
IMAGINE a synthesis of herbs, plants & flowers, with a myriad of organic substances, minerals & phyto-nutrients.
Nature has created one of its most potent therapeutic essences - known simply as MOOR.
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